Travelling Abroad
Remember that dream place you always wanted to travel to but since you don't have enough money, you couldn't go? Or when you got a chance to go somewhere, you absolutely loved the trip? Many have traveled all over the world in places like Brazil, Japan, France, China and even Australia! Travelling is usually a great escape from your normal surroundings. They are used to people's advantages when it comes to seeing the world.
Some of the students I have interviewed have traveled state-wide in places such as California, Pennsylvania, New York and many other states. Some have travelled overseas in places like Korea, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Switzerland, the Bahamas and even Saudi Arabia. On my surveys, it is estimated that 15% of the people I surveyed want to travel to the mainland China, Paris (very cliché, but nice) and England. 13.33% want to travel to Australia and Korea. 7% want to go in places like the cold Moscow, Spain and even Greece! Creates a whole new definition of A Whole New World, doesn't it?
Me: Have you traveled before?
Zhane Johnson: Yes I have.
Me: Where to?
Zhane: D.C., Myrtle Beach, New York.
Me: What was your favorite place to travel to?
Zhane: New York because there was a lot of things to explore.
Me: Do you like travelling?
Sarah Afetse: Yes I like traveling.
Me: Where did you go?
Sarah: Virginia and Washington D.C. D.C. was better.
Me: What did you like about D.C.?
Sarah: I got to see the White House and many other famous monuments of people. I also got to take pictures.
Me: If you had a chance to go back and stay in D.C., would you?
Sarah: I would most definitely go back.
Me: Do you like to travel?
Diane Sedzro: It's okay, I guess.
Me: Do you prefer where you live now or where you got to visit?
Diane: Where I got to visit. I got to go to Maryland.
Me: What was you favorite thing about Maryland?
Diane: The sights and the fact that I actually walked from Maryland to D.C. I went there because it was one of my relatives' birthday party.
Me: If you had a chance to go back, would you?
Diane: I would because it was pretty fun. The only problem was that the weather was hot because I travelled in the summer of 2013.