High School Yearbook Memories...and a Cat?

   What would you do to make your senior year picture stand out? Boys, would you wear the nicest thing in your closet? Girls, would you wear the latest hairstyles or make up? Or would you perhaps dazzle the camera with your smile? Both of these things are great ideas, but one teenager in New York decided to do something a little different. Some find it to be brilliant and unique, while others find it to be a little odd and ridiculous.
   What would you say if twenty years down the line you were looking at your yearbook pictures and saw one of your classmates with his cat? Yes, a cat. Draven Rodriguez, a senior at Schenectady High school, wanted his picture to be out of the ordinary. For that reason he decided to pose with his cat, Mr. Bigglesworth, for his senior picture.
   "When people look at it, they will know that was me", Draven said. This senior, as it would seem, was planning on taking this picture since he was a Junior. Although he was able to take the picture, everything didn't run as smoothly. School officials weren't sure on whether to allow the picture to be placed because such an idea had never come up.
   Yet it seems that Draven Rodriguez was able to get his way, and although the picture won't be his portrait picture, it will show up in the yearbook. Furthermore, it looks like Draven Rodriguez's dream and vision has come true. He will for many years to come be remembered as the boy who stepped out of the box when his classmates travel back to memory lane. He will not be remembered as the guy who did this many touchdowns or as the prom king, but he will be remembered for his prominent way in standing out, and that will last far longer in the memories of his classmates.

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