Lauren Clickscales (Student) |
I asked some students and some teachers at Eastern Guilford
some questions relating to this issue. I asked them “Why do you think people
self-harm?” many of them did not know how to answer. This isn’t an easy
question to answer. They all said to help with their problems because they don’t
have another way to get rid of it. My other question was “Why do you think this
is a serious topic?” they all said because it can lead to worst habits and
could also lead to suicide. My last question was “Why do you think so many
teens are doing this?” they all had around the same answer. They either said
because they have life problems and they want a way out or they want help and
they are too scared to ask. Mrs. Laws, a teacher at Eastern Guilford, feels
that there are two type of teens who do this, the ones who want attention or
the ones that have a mental health issue (example: depression) and they feel
like this helps them.
Logan Adkins (Student) |
Mrs. Laws (Teacher) |
This issue has been increasing, especially in teenagers
around the world. According to in the UK, people have been
posting selfies on Twitter or Facebook with positive messages on their arms to raise
awareness on this issue. They use the hashtag #selfhelpnotselfharm and anyone
can take part of this. You can nominate three friends to do this and get the
word around. This is a campaign to “stamp out self-harm”. There are many ways
to understand this issue better; has an article on this and also
how to get help and treatment for this. This website also has the signs so you
can know if someone is struggling with self-harm. There are a lot of ways to
get the word out and get help for everyone struggling. (
This issue is extremely important. I feel like anyone that is struggling with self-harm, just wants an escape. Life, especially a teen, can be very difficult, in this generation; no one takes other people’s feelings and emotions into consideration. I feel like everyone just wants help, and for some people self-harm is a way. This is a serious topic and this isn’t a joke, no one should hurt themselves. If you know anyone who does this or has the signs of it, you should try to talk to them and try to help them or get them help. Self-harm increasing and no one should take this lightly. If you self-harm, talk to your friends or parents, they can get you help. There are other ways to “escape” or get rid of anger or pain, art is a great way and music can help a lot. Self-harm is serious and it should get treated like every other thing.