Nine Lives

     Have you ever wondered why cats have nine lives? It is the superstition that cats have nine lives, because cats can survive falls from high places with few, if any, injuries. They are able to survive accidents, other animals and ourselves would have died from. With that being said, are you a religious person? I know. A random and unrelated question, but I do have my purpose.

     We say cats have nine lives. This is just a theory. It take a very open minded person to be able to comprehend it. So before I open it to you, I would like to inform you of this. My mother was recently put on life support for the second time. My mom has expierenced many near death experiences. Car accidents, hospital visits and surgeries that could have and should have killed her. For some reason, they never did. Now I'm not saying all accidents that hurt you become the nine chances/lives because a scrap or a cold is not you fighting for your life or you coming close to death. My theory is that maybe the idea of cats having nine lives. Goes for people as well. I am a religious person. I am a Christian and apart of my theory involves my savior, Jesus Christ.

     I have this idea that maybe...

     God gives everyone nine chances at their life whether we know it or not. He has given my mom four chances already in my perspective. She is in the middle of her life, currently at 36 years old. Now this may not seem sensible to you. But this is just something to get your attention and maybe take a look into. A resource of mine was: -  Remember this is just a theory of my own. Somewhat of an opinion that humans are given nine chances in life, just as cats are given nine lives.

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