
Difference between high school now vs high school in our parents' generation

Isn't ironic how much damage we've done to schooling, due to the improvements we've made in schools? High school specifically, whether we notice or not. For instance, the amount of change in the curriculum, the amount of dances, clubs, sports, different schedules, lunches, dress codes, rules (etc.) Those are just some factors that have affected high school now. These changes have had a positive and negative effect in high school and on the students who attend them. This generation has been exposed to a more advanced perception of education. Adults now didn't grow up with half the things children of this generation is now privileged enough to have. They grew up quite nicely with what little technology they were offered, 85% aged into responsible and very well mannered adults. 5% made it and that's really all they can say. There's always that 10% that lives just didn't pan out so well. but every generation has that 10%. But with these so called improvements, the percentages could grow from 10 to 20. This generation grew up too fast, and advancing with it may not be the best answer.

     Knowing my words aren't enough to convince anyone of anything, because not everyone has the same perspective as others. Therefore, I interviewed multiple teachers and students, asking them their  opinions and outlook on school now compare to school in the 1990's.
     Has the curriculum improved for the better? I myself can not officially answer this, because I am simply a student who is being taught the curriculum. "No, the areas are too vague as what is to be taught. It was something new and was thrown at us and they said good luck, but you better have good test scores." Coach Branch, educator in mathematics feels similar to 3 out of 5 other accomplished adults.
     "I don't know that the change in the testing scores are for the best." Ms. Worlds says.
      In addition, student athlete Brittni weighs in. "Its more rigorous and challenging now, slacking won't get you by anymore." I came to realize that many people feel as if the improvements are not for the best. When I continued my interviews, I asked myself and others what the primary difference between high school now and high school then. I asked someone with a different perspective.
     Another student athlete here at Eastern Guilford says " There is more technology" Some interviewees say the age difference in the teachers, some say the time of the class periods. Others say the social aspect or even the additional rules that are enforced on the students and teachers. I often wonder what is something the school system could bring back from high school back then to high school in currents times, as in improve to decrease further damage. " Corporal punishment" says Rodney Williams, a Land Star truck driver (and my father). However, not everyone agrees with that. Some say differently. "Everything happens for reason, the changes have taught us a lot." church and community member Sherry Williams says in an interview. "I feel a compromise and a come to understanding could help guide schooling in a better direction than where its heading."

Current Event:
Technology is a current issue in the difference between high school now vs. high school in the 90's. Students not only rely on books and paper as a form of education. We are given a privileged access to a large amount of technology. The study, conducted by Harris Interactive  polled more than 2,300 American students in grades 4 through 12 (aged 8 to 18) about their use of digital technologies for educational purposes. Multiple high schools all over the world have transitioned into using technology instead of the basics as in the 90's. 75% of schools use technology as replacement for text books. Technology such as, laptops, smartphones, tablets, ipads, more advanced computers (etc.) School systems have used technology as a more advanced way of learning & teaching. Its not all bad because much technology is needed for the curriculum these days. However, studies show that students have began to slack on their work due to their access to everyday technology. People are taking advantage of this & all we've done is add additional problems to the so called solution to the first problem, which has brought more damage in our school systems. So many have just chosen to ignore the problems in which "improvement" has caused.

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