
Teacher Features and Keeping You "In the Know"

December is in full swing, and I don't know about you, but my bellringer Powerpoint has the following countdown going: 11 days until holiday break, 17 days until senior presentations, and 20 days until exams! What I love about our school is that regardless of how busy we all can be, we pull together to ensure that our students have everything that they need, and we do it with a smile!

On Monday, December 1st, the Friendly Center Barnes and Noble hosted a book sale that contributed to the purchase of books for Eastern's media center. Forty-three of Ms. Knight's senior honors English IV and AP English IV students made purchases both in the store and online to contribute to our fundraiser. Mr. Leybourne's chorus shared lovely holiday melodies to entertain the shoppers. Several of our own faculty members helped to gift wrap purchases. We appreciate our media specialist, Ms. Heather Williams, as she coordinated this event in our community.

From left to right: Ms. Knight, Ms. Bellamy, and Ms. Brown represent the English and EC departments as they cheerfully wrap purchases.

The Wildcat wrestling team will host their wrestling tournament here at EGHS on Saturday, December 6th. Come out to support your Wildcats as they take on a variety of squads throughout the area. The tournament runs from 8am to 5pm and refreshments will be sold.

Our Wildcat basketball teams will host their holiday classic tournament at EGHS December 27-30. We will be playing teams from all over the world (literally!), so come on out to see some excitement and to cheer on our teams. Refreshments will be sold at this event as well. Click here to see the brackets and times of tip-offs.

We are excited to share that several of our EGHS students, along with Ms. Miller, were featured in a television spotlight on Time Warner Cable Channel 14 News. This news segment shared our involvement in the annual Shoppers' Day at Four Seasons Town Centre. This day, sponsored by the Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities, provides the opportunity for volunteers and store proprietors to understand hardships that people with disabilities can have while out in a busy area, and this experience helps these people overcome them. EGHS student Justin Pannell states, "Last year, I conquered my fear of escalators!"  Joe Hinshaw says that experience is "awesome and neat". "They can do anything that anybody can do, they just need a little bit of help and prompting,” Ms. Miller said. “They can do anything if you just teach them." If you would like to watch the news segment and read the accompanying story, you can do so by clicking the link here.

Ms. Reid's Fashion Merchandising classes went on a field trip to Tanger Outlets this week. The purpose of this trip was for students to complete a scavenger hunt where the students find clothing and accessory items to correspond with the units covered in class. Pictures are forthcoming!

Several of Ms. Greene's dancers participated in the GCS Day of Dance at the Greensboro Cultural Arts Center on Friday, December 5th. The following a list of dancers who participated in this event:

  • Callie Barefoot
  • Alexus Brown
  • Alicia Caban
  • Kayla Coles
  • N’Desnezsia Lancaster
  • Ashanti Mays
  • Brooke McNeil
  • Taijah Moore
  • Mabel (Allie) Morana
  • Kateria Purcell
  • Taylor Riggs
  • Tanner Shoffner
  • Sha’Sha Tarpley
  • Taylor Ward
  • Emily White
  • Jordyn Williams
  • Selena Zobro
  • Sydney Courts
  • Maya Davis
  • Emily Hinton
  • Ayndaja McGuire
  • Tabitha Shaw
  • Mickaela Smith
  • Hannah Whitesell
  • Krista Wright
Also, our EGHS dance department will perform on Thursday and Friday, December 11 and 12, at 7pm in the auditorium! Please come out and support our dancers!

Our EGHS music department is working hard to provide holiday entertainment to the public. Mr. Leybourne's chorus and guitar students will perform their concert on Tuesday, December 16th at 7pm. Mr. Bryant's drama students will perform "Christmas Town" on Wednesday, December 17 at 7pm, and the band students will provide their holiday entertainment concert on Thursday, December 18 at 7pm. All performances will take place in the EGHS auditorium. Bring your family and friends, enjoy our EGHS student musicians, and get into the holiday spirit!

As we near the end of the semester, please continue to encourage this semester's English IV students as they prepare the final preparations for their seniors projects. Ask how the final draft of the paper is coming along, or the photographs for their project boards. They are getting excited and antsy, but we are confident that they will do a great job!

Special belated shoutout to Ms. Mozeley, who was married on November 15th. Congratulations! :)

If any senior has filled out an application for the service learning diploma or exemplary award, the next Service Learning Club meeting will be after school on Thursday, December 18 in the media center. This meeting is mandatory, as important information will be relayed at this meeting. Please see Ms. Worlds if you have any questions.

Stay tuned to our holiday edition to be released prior to the break! :)


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